
From WordPress To Gatsby and MDX


I'm a developer that specialize in WordPress and have been working with it for the last 10 - 12 years, I strongly believe that WordPress is a great tool for creating digital experiences, so why I change to Gatsby/MDX? the main reason expensive hosting, I have an excelent service for years at Siteground, I was so exited to try all this new JAMStack in full so i took the desition to use Netlify to host my new website.

The flaw, WordPress needs a Database, Apache, PHP and this is not available on Netlify, so now what should be next step?


I like Gatsby a lot and it was my first Real World experience with React, I have been using it since 2018, so why Gatsby and not other frameworks like NextJS who's popularity skyrocketed lately, or simple a CRA? because Gatsby is easy to use, offer a wide range of plugins and overall you don't need to ba JavaScript wizard, to get up and running in no time.

Markdown and MDX

I only write markdown on my PR's or in Trello, and more lately on Jira, it's nice easy, fast and I like it, Adding MDX allows me to use React components on my Markdown files, if you don't know what MDX is check this link: MDX.


What's Netlify? in short Netlify makes it super easy for developers to host websites responsibly, a way that is scalable and secure. In a nutshell, Netlify creates its own kind of repository that pushes both to a Github repository and its own microservices. Then, it executes and distributes content across a wide CDN to deliver pre-built static websites to visitors.

The best thing about Netlify is that it selects the best CDN and distributes content, which results in pre-built websites that load faster than on traditional hosting networks. Instead of loading the site each time the visitor goes to a page, the visitor gets a pre-loaded version straight from the nearest geographical server, sharply reducing load times.

How I move my blog from WordPress to Gatsby and MDX

The first step was to have a backup of my site locally, then using the WordPress Export Tool, I export the XML, first only the post, with no images, images will be exported separately.

To convert the XML files into Markdown, I found this nice post from Kev Quirk, basically, you run a node script that will convert your XML files into Markdown.

git clone

    # Move into script folder
    cd wordpress-export-to-markdown
    # Install pre-requisites required for the script
    npm install
    # Run the script
    node index.js

Voila! All my posts are now in Markdown.

Develop in Gatsby

I use a MDX starter, I found this very simple starter by Christopher Biscardi, I made some updates on the code to fit my needs. On Gatsby and MDX there is very good information to start from, Gatsby has his on MDX plugin gatsby-plugin-mdx so install, add your path to gatsby-config and you’re all set.

// gatsby-config
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-mdx`,
    options: {
        extensions: ['.mdx', '.md'],
        defaultLayouts: {
            posts: require.resolve("./src/components/blog-post-layout.js"), // Set layout to post.
            default: require.resolve("./src/components/blog-post-layout.js"), // Set Default.

For the nice particles "skull" I use react-particles-js, to use a mask I have to make use of the static folder, there I place the image. Every file you put into that folder will be copied into the public folder. For E.g. if you add a file named sun.jpg to the static folder, it’ll be copied to public/sun.jpg, super handy, I do have an issue with adding one script, with gatsby-plugin-load-script, it comes to the rescue;

For the page transitions, I make use of gatsby-plugin-transition-link and the AniLink component, it’s a wrapper around the TransitionLink component and provides four default transitions: fade, paintDrip, swipe, and cover.

The styling was done using Styled Components with Emotion and I spice it a little with Tailwind, with this tool I can easily add Tailwind classes to my Styled components, Twin blends the magic of Tailwind with the flexibility of css-in-js.

You can check the repo for this project at elpuas-blog-mdx!

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